Monuments II, 2017
74 x 67 x 7 inches
Colored pencils on index cards; acrylic on MDF
Site-specific installation, University of Colorado Art Museum, Boulder, CO, USA. Exhibited in Faculty Exhibition: 2017, curated by Sandra Firmin and Hope Saska, August 17 to December 23, 2017.
Monuments II involves a series of drawings on index cards displayed on a painted structure. For the series of drawings, I crumple up index cards and then draw lines over all the creases using a gray colored pencil. I aim for a one-to-one correspondence between the existing mark--the creases--and the drawn mark. The drawings are displayed on a platform that I painted and varnished to match the floor of the museum. The painting acts as a subtle pedestal that allows the drawings to hover a few inches above the floor.